1st Game: Roll 3 dice, add for a sum, and cover the apple. The 1st player to cover 10 apples is the winner.
2nd Game: Roll 2 dice, add for a sum, and add 10 more. Cover the apple with the sum on it.
3rd Game: Roll 2 dice and multiply for a product.
Just click the picture above to download these 3 math games. All you have to do is print and play.
Free sounds for the ending _ed. This freebie has a poster and 2 sets of words to separate into the 3 sounds that _ed makes at the end of words. Click the picture to be taken to my TPT store to download it. This is a great center for students to practice reading words and identifying ending sounds.
To go along with the poster, I added more resources to concentrate on the ending sound of _ed. I created the following packs with a fun apple theme. The activities in the packs below include:
"ed" Sounds includes 80 task cards. There are two sets of task cards included (40 in each set). The red cards has students reading the word at the top of the task card and then choosing the sound it makes (t, d, or ed) at the end of the word. The green cards has students reading the word at the top of the task card and finding another word that makes the same sound. The green cards are more challenging! This pack also includes recording sheets to make it easy to use at centers. Use the 80 task cards for your reading centers, during your small group time, or for classroom activities like mix or matching students. Click the pictures below to be taken to my TPT store to see this pack up close and to read more about it.
"ed" Sounds - Games and Centers includes worksheets and a set of task cards with words on them to separate into the 3 sounds. The task cards can be used at centers to separate the 3 sounds or they can be used for the game board. There are also worksheets to use for extra practice or to send home for homework. Students will be exposed to many activities in this pack that center around the sound that "ed" makes at the end of words. Click any picture below to be taken to my TPT store to read more about this pack.
Another Freebie using the days of the week!
Johnny Appleseed Fact Family Task Cards is the next product I want to share with you. This pack has 3 different math centers all about fact families! These will go perfect with your apple or Johnny Appleseed theme. Click the picture on the left or below to read more about it.
The first set of task cards has 4 equations. Students need to find the equation that doesn't belong with the fact family. The second set of task cards has 3 equations. The students need to find the equation that is missing from the fact family. The third set of task cards has 3 numbers. Students write the 4 equations that make up the fact families. Here are the pictures of what the task cards look like. There are a total of 40 task cards included in this pack.
Another product I want to share are my addition and subtraction games. If your students are needing more practice on their addition and subtraction facts, this pack is for you!
These two packs have a set of 40 task cards. The task cards can be used for flash cards or the 10 game boards that are included. The game boards and task cards have an apple theme. These packs can be used all year long. Click any picture below to be taken to my TPT store to read more about these games.
Here are some other apple themed products.
Each product is linked to my TPT store.
FREE Clipart! I made this apple with the bugs. Click the picture to download the free clipart. Use to make your own classroom resources. Click the picture on the left to read more about it.
Here are some apple resources you may like. I found all these great deals on Amazon:
Apple Clock
Apple Nameplates
Apple Cut-Outs
Apple Stationary
Apple Borders
Apple Magnets
Here are some books I have used in my classroom with an apple theme. I found these resources on Amazon:
Amelia Bedelia's First Apple Pie
Pinkalicious: Apples, Apples, Apples!
The Giving Tree
Applesauce Day
Bad Apple: A Tale of Friendship
Here are some apple resources you may like. I found all these great deals on Amazon:
Apple Clock
Apple Nameplates
Apple Cut-Outs
Apple Stationary
Apple Borders
Apple Magnets
Here are some books I have used in my classroom with an apple theme. I found these resources on Amazon:
Amelia Bedelia's First Apple Pie
Pinkalicious: Apples, Apples, Apples!
The Giving Tree
Applesauce Day
Bad Apple: A Tale of Friendship
See you soon!

Try this Pinterest Board already full of Apple ideas for the classroom. I've pinned some great resources from other teachers too.
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