Kindergarten Resources

Here is a list of ALL Kindergarten Resources from Teacher's Take-Out. Click on the picture to be taken to Teachers Pay Teachers to make your purchase. Check the bottom of this page to find discounted prices.
 Addition Dice Games with a Kid Theme Adding 1s 10s Subtracting 1s 10s
 CVC Word Strips CVC Rhyming Words  CVC Picture Cards
 CVC Sentences to Comprehend

  Snakes and Ladders using Dolch HFW  CVC Worksheets for beginning middle and end sounds Clip It Beginning or End Sounds Universal
 Clip It Initial and Final Sounds Clip It Spell the CVC WordClip It Middle Sounds
 CVC Worksheets to Read and Write   CVC Worksheets to Unscramble
 Alphabet Soup
  Compare and Contrast Writing Prompts  Inference Writing
 What Makes 10? Monster Addition using Single Digits Monster Equal Equations with Single Digits
 Monster Missing Numbers with Single Digits Monster Subtraction using Single Digits Monster Add 3 Addends
 Place Value Blocks up to Tens Place Adding 3, 4, 5, and 6 Addends
 Counting Caterpillars Counting Caterpillars
 Addition Caterpillars  Subtraction Caterpillars Subtraction Caterpillars
 Simple Word Problems Word Problems using 3 Addends Simple Word Problems Using Addition and Subtraction

You can find all of these resources right here offered at a discounted price.
Click the picture below:
 Discounted Teacher Products for the Classroom

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