Key Words for Word Problems-Freebie

 Free Key Words Addition Free Key Words Subtraction
Do your students need some help learning those key words when trying to solve word problems? Here is a FREE set of Key Words to use for solving addition and subtraction word problems. (Multiplication and Division Key Words are below)
These are a perfect size to hang on your math wall or even on your word wall. Students will be able to tackle word problems with ease using these key words.
Do you need some word problems to practice using key words? Here are some fun and engaging word problem task cards to use in your classroom.

 Word Problems using 2 digit numbers
2-Digit Addition and Subtraction Word Problem Task Cards includes: 30 task cards, recording sheet, an answer key, and a game board for a 2-4 Player game.

Use the Task Cards for:
  • Small Group
  • As part of your lesson
  • Homework
  • Warm-up activity
  • Math Centers
  • To play a game with the gameboard
  • Partner or team activities

 Word Problems using 3 digit numbers
Need more of a challenge? Try 3 and 4-Digit Addition and Subtraction Word Problem Task Cards. It includes: 30 task cards, recording sheet, an answer key, and a game board for a 2-4 player game.
Both packs are bundled here if you need both of them:
 words problems using 2 and 3 digit numbers
Looking for Multiplication and Division Key Words? 
Click Here for your FREEBIE!
 Key Words Multiplication Division  Key Words Multiplication and Division 
 word problems using multiplication and division
 Here are some Word Problem Task Cards for Multiplication and Division: These task cards include: 30 task cards using single digit multiplication and division, recording sheets, an answer key, and a game board for a 2-4 player game.

Your students will be pros at problem solving with all this practice!

Thanks for stopping by today.
See you soon,

Here are more resources using Word Problems:
 problem solving from Teachers Take Out
To be notified of my next freebie, follow me on Bloglovin.

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