Free addition game! What Makes 20? Here is how you play. Roll 2
dice and add for a sum. What number can be added to the sum to make 20?
example if a player rolls a 3 and 4, the sum is 7. What number can be added to
7 to make 20? The player covers the number 13 on the game board.
The 1st
player to cover 4 in a row is the winner.
the picture to get your freebie!
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Try these Super Power Thinking games! These games are super fun and help with number sense. There are 12 game boards included to get your super power thinking on.
Addition Dice Games are perfect for those students needing some extra addition practice. This pack includes 14 game boards. All you need to do is print and play!
Here are the same addition games but in a kid theme!
Here are the same addition games but in a kid theme!
Thanks for stopping by today!
Enjoy your free math game,
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