Free Primary Editors' Writing Checklist

I have a fun and cute editor's checklist for primary and elementary students. An Editor's Checklist is essential when writing. Students have the hardest time editing themselves. They always think what they've written is just fine. In reality, it's not. To be able to evaluate their own work takes skill. In the first editor's checklist I use the CAPS poster below. I tell my students, “Don’t Forget Your C.A.P.S.” C.A.P.S. is an acronym for students to remember to use while editing their own writing. 
Free Primary Editors Checklist
This poster and checklists are simple tools for students to independently utilize while checking the features of simple sentences. Hang the poster on a bulletin board to help the students remember the 4 easy features of a sentence. Or students can use the editors’ checklist for independent writing assignments.
Free CAPS Poster
Edit That Text Task Cards
Here is a fun way to practice editing. "Edit that Text" has 36 text messages. Students rewrite the text making corrections. These are great at your writing centers. Click the picture on the left to read more about it. 

FREE Editing Marks Poster
Here is a FREE Editing Marks for older or elementary students. This freebie is only 1 sheet that shows the most used editing marks. This is a good tool to have in your writing centers or as a poster to remind students about editing. Students will also be able to know what you mean when you edit their work by using the editing marks. 

Edit Sentences Task Cards
Try Red, WRITE, and Blue revising task cards. These set of task cards use an American theme to practice editing sentences and use editing marks. 24 printable task cards and an editor's checklist is included in this pack. Click the picture on the left to read more about it and to see a preview of the task cards up close.

Here are some resources you might like when teaching about editing skills:
3 Pocket Writing Process Folders
Editing Poster
Proofreading Marks Poster
Writing Posters
Punctuation Bulletin Board
Felt Tip Markers for Correcting and Editing

Thanks for stopping by today! 
Until next time, 


  1. I love your CAPS poster. Unfortunately, we are using A for appearance . Is there any way you could share a copy of the moose poster and checklist that I could edit in that way?

  2. Same! Would you edit to say “appearance” and share?
