Practicing to add and subtract by 1s and 10s are great ways to help students learn place value. These boards below are great for practicing to add and subtract by 1s, 10s, or 100s. There are 2 boards included. Copy the board you need practice with and place inside a page protector. Students use a dry erase marker to write a number in the middle box. Students write 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, and 10 less in the boxes around the number. Then, they erase the numbers and repeat, or call another student over to work with. (Note: The super, thin Page Protectors erase best.) If the student can answer and complete 3 numbers correctly and efficiently, they have an understanding of adding and subtracting 1’s and 10’s. Click the picture to download this FREEBIE!
Your students are going to love Super Power Thinking Games. These set of 10 games have a twist on adding and subtracting by 1s and 10s. Here is how to play one of the game boards: Students roll 2 dice, add them for a sum, add 10 more to the sum, and subtract 1 less. Students cover their number on the game board. The 1st player to cover 4 numbers in a row is the winner. Students also need to use some strategy too. They have to try and block their opponent from getting their 4 numbers in a row. Click the picture on the left to read about each game. This pack also comes in a Zebra superhero theme.
Try these packs adding and subtracting using 2-digit numbers.
Need help with adding and subtracting?
This pack uses the same theme as the freebie above.
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Good one. Off to make myself a coffee and get back to check out more from your blog.