6 Syllable Type Poster

FREE 6 Syllable Types Poster
Here is a Free Poster to hang on your reading wall or to keep handy when you need a refresher on syllables and the rules. This little kid-friendly poster displays the 6 types of syllables. It also comes in a black and white copy. Just click the picture on the left to download the freebie!

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 Foundational Skills and Phonics
Click the picture on the left to find more resources using Foundational Skills and Phonics. 

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  1. Hi there,
    Thanks for this great freebie! I am one of your newest followers. I would love for you to head on over to my blog and check it out when you get a chance!

  2. Good to know about the syllable types, especially for us EAL teachers. I like the phrase 'bossy r' as well!

  3. I found you through the Manic Monday Classroom Freebie Link Up. I saw the picture of the poster and I had to check it out. What an awesome freebie! This will definitely come in handy with my students.

  4. Welcome Mrs. Harris! I hopped over to your site and hooked up with your site too.


  5. Thank you so much for the freebies. I love your work!
